
Industrial Solar
As a Business person, you already know that going solar can reduce your utility bills. This is especially true in India You also know that solar energy is environmentally friendly. And by installing panels today, you dramatically reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. Not only does this make it easier to satisfy carbon-reduction mandates, but this investment also allows you to demonstrate your environmental commitment to employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.But here are surprising things about Industry solar system.
Solar Is Cheaper Than Staying with Utility Power
It’s not simply that using solar is cheaper than using utility electricity. You already know that. But in most parts of the country, the actual process of installing and maintaining solar panels is more cost-effective than sticking with utility power.
This is because electricity rates keep trending upwards – while solar prices keep trending downwards.
You Don’t Have to Buy Solar – You Can Rent It
Rather than pay for a new system out-of-pocket, you can “rent” clean solar power instead. Sign up for a 10 to 25-year leasing agreement, and the lessor covers the full cost of installing, maintaining, and monitoring the solar panels on your property.
With this solar leasing arrangement, there is no upfront cost to you. You only pay for the solar electricity that your rented panels generate. And these monthly payments are substantially lower than what you currently pay to your utility provider.
Moreover, these low rates are locked in for the duration of your leasing agreement.